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Honours students discover potential immunotherapy for brain cancer in linked research hubs

7 aug 2024

Honours students from complementary scientific disciplines collaborated to improve immunotherapy for brain cancer. In the first edition of this 20-week interdisciplinary student-led project, cutting-edge research was performed at the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Student Research Hubs, all at the medicine and beta sciences faculties on the Utrecht Science Park.

Honours students from complementary scientific disciplines collaborated to improve immunotherapy for brain cancer. In the first edition of this 20-week interdisciplinary student-led project, cutting-edge research was performed at the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Student Research Hubs, all at the medicine and beta sciences faculties on the Utrecht Science Park.

Five creative students—Sofieke Rot, Giselle Verdonschot, Veronia Nasralla, Zeno Diepstraten, and Mae van Wijhe—embraced the challenge of writing a research proposal, independently seeking collaborators, and conducting experiments. Their enthusiasm and perseverance led to the exciting identification of new potential targets for immunotherapy against paediatric brain cancer.

This project acted as a challenge-based educational platform, allowing honours students to engage in hands-on work addressing societal challenges in translational medicine. With its collaborative structure, the project aimed to bridge the gap between bench (Biotechnology Research HUB, Faculty of Science) and bedside (Biomedicine Research HUB, Faculty of Medicine, UMC Utrecht).

More information will follow for a second edition of the Honours Innovation Project at the start of the next academic year. For inquiries please contact us at

"The honours innovation project offered me a glimpse into the world of cutting-edge research, surrounded by peers in a supportive and challenging environment. It boosted my confidence in conducting research and equipped me with essential skills in presentation, lab techniques, and data analysis."

Veronia - Honours Innovation Project student

With thanks to Robbert-Jan Kok, Sabrina Oliveira & Alessia Di Maggio (Biotechnology Student Research Hub), Niels Bovenschen, Sandra Crnko, Toine ten Broeke, Thijs Koorman, Heggert Rebel, Suzanne van Dijk, Emma Pijnappel & Daniëlle Maassen (Biomedicine Student Research Hub), Marcel van Heyden, Dirk Rijkers, Matthijs Monnikhof, Michael Schakelaar, Olaf Nijssen, and honours coordinators of the participating students Mike Boxem (MBLS), Freija ter Heegde, and Paula Contreras-Carballada (Pharmaceutical Sciences/CPS).

With special thanks to the UU Honours College for their support.

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